Women’s Football Warrior Fran Hilton-Smith’s Decades of Effort Pay Off in 2019

When Thembi Kgatlana buried the ball in the back of the net during South Africa’s first-round Women’s World Cup match against Spain in 2019, it was more than just another goal. The aftershock of her impeccably placed shot reverberated throughout the country, igniting passion for the sport and subverting long-established societal norms.

“The cultural impact was massive,” says Fran Hilton-Smith, former South African team head coach and a driving force behind women’s soccer on the African continent for over 40 years. “The game has just exploded, and it’s changed the mindset about what’s possible for women. A lot of parents are now seeing that it’s okay for their daughters to play.”

It took 21 years for the South African women’s team, affectionately known as Banyana Banyana, to qualify for the World Cup. At every stage of that arduous journey, Hilton-Smith has been there, often breaking new ground. She has served as a coach and manager for the national team, the sole female FIFA instructor from Africa, the only woman and South African on the Confederation of African Football’s Technical Development Committee, and the founder of the continent’s first soccer academy for girls, the High Performance Centre (HPC). The bulk of the national team are HPC alumni.

It’s a significant shift from the status quo when Hilton-Smith began her career. At the time, few women played. she says. “I joined one of the few women’s teams that were around in the late 60s.” With apartheid firmly in place, men’s teams who attempted to have inter-racial matches were pursued by police but women’s teams who did the same were left alone by simple virtue of the fact that no one was paying attention.

At the end of her playing career, Hilton-Smith transitioned into coaching. At the time, South Africa was subject to an international sporting ban because of apartheid. “We’d been suspended by FIFA for twenty years,” she explains. “When we were re-accepted in 1993, we were ready to get involved in competition because we’d been playing.”

But just lifting the ban was not enough to assure a position on the global stage. For the first eight years of World Cup qualification, the entire African continent was allowed only one slot. In 1999 one more was added and by 2019 there were three.

“I started pushing FIFA to allow more positions for Africa,” Hilton-Smith says. “Eventually, we got three. That’s why we were able to qualify for the World Cup in 2019 because there were more opportunities.”

As head coach of Banyana Banyana in the early 2000s, Hilton Smith noticed a trend. Off-field problems related to their families and hometowns were impacting the players’ on-field effectiveness. “There would be all these issues,” she says. “I’d take them to the national team camp, feed them, fix them up, and then they’d go back home to the same thing.”

The solution, she believed, was to keep them full-time. “During my travels overseas, I’d realized that academies were a very important part of development,” she says. “I approached the lottery board and federation board here. Fourteen years ago, I opened the High Performance Centre for 25 girls who were good at school, really good at football, and many of whom came from disadvantaged backgrounds.”

Once accepted, candidates live at the academy, have medical and nutritional care, maintain a 100 percent pass rate, and play soccer every day. “The cream of the players come from the Centre because of the attention they get,” says Hilton-Smith. “I firmly believe it’s one of the reasons we qualified for two Olympics, two U-17 Women’s World Cups, multiple CAF tournaments and finally the World Cup. It’s really paid off in developing players and improving the national team.” A total of 18 players from the HPC have become members of Banyana Banyana since 2003.

The HPC is the only academy of its kind in Africa, but that may soon change. Other countries like Namibia, Botswana and Zambia are exploring ways to replicate the model and create more opportunities for training and competition. Within South Africa, Hilton-Smith’s goal is to create an academy in each of the country’s nine provinces.

She’s also emphasized the importance of women’s coaches, particularly black women who make up so much of the country’s population. “I’ve pushed to make a difference and ensure that women’s football is a women’s game,” she says. “Whenever they conduct a coaching course here, I’ve made sure that at least 50 percent can be women.”

Her efforts have paid off. Within South Africa, 25 women have their CAF class A coaching license – more than the rest of the continent put together. Every national coach is female, and Banyana Banyana head coach Desiree Ellis has been nominated twice for African Coach of the Year.

For women’s football to continue evolving in Africa, the key is competition, Hilton-Smith maintains. The World Cup happens just once every four years and the African Women’s Championship every two years. “Aside from that, there isn’t much competition, so the teams disband and don’t play at all, except for in South Africa because we have SASOL sponsored,” she explains. “That’s bad when it comes to the World Cup because if you take any team from Europe, they’ve all been playing each other. You have to compete to get better.”

Starting earlier by including soccer as a regular part of physical education in schools would also make a difference. “In Germany, Sweden, and Denmark they start at age five or six,” Hilton-Smith notes. “If we had football in all the schools, they would get that early grounding, which I know they have in the United States.”

One dream: to have a women’s football league with sponsorships and support equal to that of the men’s league. In subcultures with religiously based restrictions on women’s clothing, a futsal league would allow them to play indoors. More funding for developing women coaches and administrators will also be key, she contends.

Hilton-Smith’s career is not over but if it ended tomorrow afternoon, she’d be satisfied. “The fact that we’ve qualified for two Olympics and finally the big cherry, the World Cup, that we have women coaches, 97 women administrators I’ve developed, women referees who are in FIFA and CAF, I’m happy with that,” she says. “Women’s football development in South Africa, Africa and many countries in the world has been my life’s journey and I am happy with what has been achieved.”




The Joy of Soccer: Nahomi Kawasumi on Championships, Equity and Loving the Game

Nahomi Kawasumi loves soccer.

It may seem like a no-brainer: a professional athlete who continues to be delighted by the game she plays for a living. Yet plenty of stars have more conflicted or ambivalent relationships to the sport while others sound outright jaded. In her memoir Forward, Abby Wambach describes her early revolt against family pressure to play amid fears that she’d have to choose between soccer and herself. “I spent my summer at soccer camp, all the while plotting ways to rebel,” she recalls.

On the men’s side, Italy’s Mario Balotelli has famously likened scoring points to delivering mail. “I do not celebrate my goals because it is my job,” he says. “When a postman delivers a letter, does he celebrate?”

‘Naho’, on the other hand, consistently uses the word ‘joy’ to describe her experience of playing. “I’ve been asked why I liked it so much from an early age,” says the former Japanese Women’s National Team and current Sky Blue FC star. “I think the primary reason was just the fun and joy I found in the game.”

Kawasumi is one of Japan’s most decorated players, a 2011 World Cup champion who scored two goals in the semi-final against Sweden to carry her team into the epic final match against the U.S. She earned an Olympic silver medal with the team in 2012 and was on Japan’s 2015 World Cup team that lost its rematch against the USWNT in the final.

After joining the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) in 2014, she scored nine goals and five assists in her debut season with the Seattle Reign and established a single-season record for nine assists in the 2017 season.  Recently she was traded to Sky Blue FC, where she’s already making her presence felt.

As an international player with experience in both the Japan and U.S., Kawasumi has perspective on the life-changing difference a World Cup victory can make, as well as the importance of consistent fan support, what it takes to create a successful women’s league and how media coverage can help or hurt the game.

Winning the World Cup was a peak experience for Kawasumi and her teammates – indeed, for the entire country which was still reeling in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck in March earlier that year. “It was an extremely joyous and momentous time for us,” she says. “I felt like we had really accomplished something. In the past, the major title had been with America but once we’d knocked them off, we realized how hard it was to get there and maintain that level of play. But just the fact that we were able to go through that process and see what it takes to win was a really beneficial and powerful experience.”

The women were hailed as heroes in Japan and for a while there was increased interest in the women’s J-League, but that eventually waned. In part, that had to do with the nature of Japanese fandom, according to Kawasumi. “If a team is doing well people will praise them but if they’re not, people aren’t really aware of them or following them,” she says. “It’s really important that we have the women’s league but if the women’s national team isn’t doing well and getting media coverage, it’s likely that the women’s league is also not getting that same coverage. One depends on the other.”

Women’s soccer has a steadier fan base in America, she believes. “Regardless of whether it’s the World Cup or the Olympics, in the U.S. the game sustains a higher level of fans. Of course, I want there to be a larger base in Japan, but we really don’t have that kind of culture.”

Both countries share one unfortunate commonality: a substantial gap between what male and female players are paid. The difference, Kawasumi says, is that in Japan it’s virtually impossible for women to make a living strictly on their soccer pay. “There’s an enormous pay gap between the men’s and the women’s game. For women, if you’re not working outside of the game, you’re not able to play,” she explains. “There are about five women who play on my club team that also play on national teams and get endorsements. INAC Kobe is the only team in the league where you might get by without having to work.”

The result is that players have no time for any kind of outside life because working takes up every hour not spent practicing. “There’s just no money,” she says. “It’s really important for us to have a pro league so the women aren’t working and can just focus on soccer. I admire the NWSL in that you can get a salary. It’s not high but it’s accepted. I don’t know if there are enough women in Japan who find it unacceptable enough to really motivate change and push to get a pro league.”

Despite the national team’s status, increased media coverage doesn’t always help their cause, fueling perceptions of the team that have nothing to do with soccer. “In Japan, you’ll often see articles about how someone is cute or things that don’t really reflect on the game or their performance as professionals,” Kawasumi contends. “As long as people continue to interview at that low level, the game won’t grow. It’s hard to maintain interest when we’re talking about those kinds of personal qualities instead of the game.”

Having representation at the highest levels of FIFA is also important to growing the women’s game, she contends. Ideally, the future she envisions includes a huge fan base, wide media coverage and equitable pay. “I want it to be an everyday occurrence that there’s a high level of play across all countries,” she says, “and people who support a thriving women’s game.”

In the meantime, she continues to enjoy herself. As incredible as the World Cup victory was, she also brings up the day she joined the Seattle Reign and began playing in the NWSL as one of the most inspirational of her career. “There’s something every day,” she says. “When I first started playing in elementary school, it was really fun but the more I do it, the more fun it becomes. I believe that in the entirety of my career, this is the most fun I’ve ever had.”


Man On: Aly Wagner on Media Coverage, World Cup and Investing in Women’s Soccer

Aly Wagner has heard the critiques. When, in the course of calling a televised women’s soccer game, she points out that a defensive player is not marking the man in the box, inevitably a viewer will object, “But they’re not men.”

As a two-time Olympic gold medalist and two-time World Cup bronze medalist with the U.S. Women’s National Team, Wagner is well aware of that fact – and she also knows how female soccer players actually talk during games. “It’s not sexist, it’s just quick. It’s functional,” she says.

Challenging assumptions is nothing new to Wagner. Since retiring as a player for the USWNT and the Los Angeles Sol, she has worked as an analyst for Fox Sports and ESPN, becoming the first woman to call a FIFA Men’s World Cup game on U.S. television. In an era when media coverage of women’s soccer still includes sexist gaffes (exhibit A: the 2018 Ballon D’Or awards) she is known for an ability to break down the technical aspects of the game and zero in on performances from players who often go unrecognized.

And while she is undoubtedly a barrier-breaking icon for women’s sports, Wagner believes that the greatest sign of real parity will be when gender is no longer a consideration. “I may be the odd one out on this, but I’m for ‘who’s the best person for the job,’” she says. “If it’s a woman, then so be it, but prove that you’re the best.”

Having said that, she also knows the importance of having female voices in media. “We see things differently in so many ways. You don’t want the same narrative being painted in every single game. Of course, there are experiences that I’ve had with the women’s national team that give me a greater understanding of what’s truly going on and what these women have gone through.”

The second act of Wagner’s soccer career started with a last-minute opportunity to be part of the 2015 Women’s World Cup. She had done some analysis for college games but had no aspirations to join the media. “I had no idea if I’d be any good,” she says. “I went out there and took a shot with it and really enjoyed it. I’ve embraced it ever since.”

Both as a player and while viewing games post-retirement, Wagner noticed gaps in the commentary. “When people would cover our games for the national team, the details weren’t being discussed,” she explains. “Someone would make an amazing pass and I’d think, ‘Why aren’t they talking about that? Why are they only talking about things that are at 30,000 feet when that one pass just opened up this whole play?’ It bothered me. My passion for the game is so deep and I love the layers and nuances of it. I wanted to share that with the audience.”

Once she began commentating, Wagner understood that it isn’t always possible to highlight the plays she wanted to due to the constraints of the format and flow of the game. Still, her goal is to bring a greater level of awareness to viewers. “I want to get down to the details that can either make or break a play or highlight a player who seemingly is innocuous but really, they’re doing amazing things,” she says.

Later she began calling men’s games, uncharted territory for a female analyst. Wagner expected criticism, but the viewers surprised her. “It hasn’t been a big issue,” she says. “It was literally one person that made completely silly remarks about me being a woman. Being in studios, you’re always going to have those negative voices on Twitter, but it’s been fine.”

Wagner and JP Dellacamera will be the lead broadcasters for Fox Sports coverage of the 2019 World Cup, which will include all 52 games aired live, an unprecedented level of coverage. Twenty-two will air on broadcast television and 27 on FS1. “The resources being poured into it are a big deal,” says Wagner. “There is so much that goes on behind the scenes to paint the picture and provide the graphics for the analysis.”

That investment needs to be highlighted and celebrated, she contends. “It takes brave people to recognize the value that is intrinsically here with women’s soccer and women athletes. It’s brave, but it’s also just good business. These are the people who will make the sport in America and worldwide, who are taking a chance to say, ‘We’re going to go against what has been the norm over the past 50 years.’”  


Why Fox Sports’ Coverage of the Women’s World Cup is a Game Changer

Executive Producer David Neal on Equity in Sports Media

From the beginning of his tenure at Fox Sports, David Neal had a clear directive about how to cover women’s soccer. After legendary former chairman David Hill and current President Eric Shanks hired Neal as Executive Producer of FIFA World Cup and Vice President of Production, they shared their vision for the upcoming 2015 Women’s World Cup.

“In the very first meeting we had after I’d come on board, they told me, ‘We don’t want you treating the Women’s World Cup like a laboratory for the men,’” Neal recalls. “‘We want the exact same full-throttle resources applied to the Women’s World Cup that will be applied to the men’s.’ There was complete equity, and that’s a real tribute to the leadership here.”

The approach worked. The 2015 tournament broke all viewing records, demolishing the tired but persistent argument that audiences are not interested in women’s sports. The final between the U.S. and Japan was the most-watched soccer game in U.S. history, attracting more than 25 million viewers.

To put that in perspective, the first time the USWNT team won a World Cup in 1991, American news outlets barely paid attention. The tournament itself bore no resemblance to the international spectacle surrounding the men’s game. In fact, FIFA wasn’t sure they wanted their brand associated with women, dubbing it the ‘1st FIFA World Championship for Women’s Football for the M&M’s Cup.’ The dubious logic behind this decision was based on the idea that the main sponsor, Mars, was the parent company for M&Ms. When the world champion U.S. team returned home, their plane was met by four people: two reporters, the coach of the U.S. Men’s National Team, and a friend of star midfielder Michelle Akers.

Twenty-eight years later, Neal and Fox Sports have been part of a fundamental shift in media coverage of women’s soccer, both through investment and the nature of the coverage itself. The sheer amount of money and resources Fox devoted to the 2015 World Cup was unprecedented and the overwhelming response has made even more possible as 2019 approached. “It was an emphatic validation of the fact that the women rightly needed to be covered and broadcast exactly the way we do the men,” says Neal. “The enormous success we had in terms of viewership gave us great momentum.”

Success is nothing new to Neal. In his 30 years at NBC prior to joining Fox in 2012, he produced nine Olympics, four NBA finals, two World Series and a Super Bowl pregame show. Along the way he earned 33 Sports Emmys and two Primetime Emmys and was recognized with a Peabody Award for NBC’s coverage of the 2008 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in Beijing.

One of his first moves at Fox Sports was hiring a broadcast team with an ability to break down the game for an increasingly soccer-savvy audience. In previous years both fans and players had noted that commentators tended to focus more on backstory and less on analysis during women’s games. For 2015, Neal brought on several people known more for their work on the field than behind a mic, including former USWNT midfielder Aly Wagner.

Their coverage of the World Cup was critically acclaimed and Wagner in particular has become known for an ability to break down the technical aspects of the game and zero in on performances from players who often go unrecognized. She has since become the first woman to call a men’s World Cup game. According to Neal, Wagner exemplifies what he’s looking for in a commentator. “A litmus test that we apply is for our team to tell the audience ‘why, not what,’” Neal says. “Ally can explain why someone scored or turned the ball over, not the fact that it happened. You can see that for yourself. That’s what our best commentators do, regardless of the gender of the players on the field.”

Another change had to do with storytelling. In previous World Cups, reporters seemed to go out of their way to make players seem approachable and non-threatening. The term ‘girl next door’ was used so frequently by journalists that one columnist sarcastically wrote an article entitled ‘Reports: Girl Next Door a Dental Hygienist, Not a Member of the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team.’

In contrast, Neal and his team focused on players as athletes. “Far from emphasizing some sort of perceived feminine qualities, this was about a world championship and we wanted to go at it full speed ahead,” he says. “There was no real variance from how we would cover men. That was the guidance I was given initially and consistently throughout, and it was the right way to go.”

That doesn’t mean storytelling went out the window, but the nature of it changed to reflect more about who players actually are than what might make viewers comfortable. “We had someone like Megan Rapinoe who was so open about her sexuality and her focus on being the best in the world at what she does, or like Carli Lloyd who is so driven that she would go out in the snow in the dead of winter in New Jersey and still work out,” says Neal. “People like that who open up to our profiles and features unit and allow us to tell their stories, that’s key to attracting and holding on to a significant television audience.”

With the U.S. men’s team failing to qualify for World Cup 2018, it’s an interesting time for U.S. Soccer, he believes. “The men’s program obviously needs to be overhauled. The women, on the other hand, are the reigning world champions. They’re the beacon of hope on the horizon.”

As the 2019 World Cup got closer, other countries have begun to invest more resources and coverage into their women’s teams. Neal hopes that approach becomes commonplace in the future. “I’d love to see women’s sports in general reflecting what we’ve been able to do with the Women’s World Cup,” he says. “Excellent athletes should be given appropriate coverage and it’s really not a question of men vs. women.”

Meanwhile, he’s been keeping a whiteboard in his office that tells him exactly how many days until the tournament kicks off. “You can be absolutely certain that as we build up for the Women’s World Cup, it will have exactly the same resonance and emphasis that any men’s event would have,” says Neal. “We’re looking forward to France.”


Sarina Wiegman is Shaping the Future of Dutch Women’s Soccer

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USWNT Coach Jill Ellis on Equity, Excellence, and the Evolution of Women’s Soccer

Jill Ellis never thought of herself as a role model. Through years of coaching university soccer teams to Pac-10 Conference titles and Big Ten Tournament berths, it didn’t occur to her that she was inspiring anyone other than players until she became the U.S. Women’s National Team’s head coach.

“I started having younger coaches come up and tell me, ‘It’s been great to see a female coach reach the National Team level. I just want to do what you’re doing,’” says Ellis. “Now I’m very aware of the responsibility this position has to others. I see how important it is for people who aspire to a career in coaching to have someone who represents what they want to do professionally.”

In a career that spans four decades, Ellis has seen both evolution and regression as the world’s most popular sport is slowly being transformed from within. Having coached club and college teams as well as Youth National Team squads for U.S. Soccer, she has a unique perspective on the changing landscape of the women’s game and what it takes for individual players, teams and the game itself to thrive.

Growing up in England, she was surrounded by soccer. Her father, John Ellis, was an ambassador for the sport. He helped to create programs worldwide and she credits him with instilling a passion for the road less traveled. “He always saw life as an adventure,” she says. “The guy’s an eternal optimist. His innate confidence inspired me to do things that were riskier. Looking back over the course of my life now, I’ve made decisions that were the least comfortable and my father’s influence was fairly strong.”

From the beginning, soccer was her game. “I just loved it,” she says. “I loved watching it and loved playing it.” But opportunities to do so in the U.K. were limited to backyard scrimmages with her brothers or schoolyard pickup games with boys. It wasn’t until the family moved to the U.S. that she was able to join an official girls’ team. “I remember the first time I got a jersey for a team I played with in the States,” she recalls. “I thought it was the coolest thing. I don’t think I would have had that opportunity until a lot later in England, and I probably wouldn’t have pursued a career.”

Another formative moment: seeing April Heinrich as an assistant coach at the College of William and Mary. Heinrich went on to become the head coach at a time when 99% of the industry was male. She eventually hired Ellis for her first professional job as an assistant at the University of Maryland. “At that point, I didn’t even think it was viable,” she admits. “Seeing her pursue a career in coaching was an influence on me. I was fortunate to have a role model blazing the trail.”

Along the way, she’s discovered what distinguishes top players from those who have all the right ingredients but never make it to elite levels. When she took over the U.S. Under-21 team in 2000, Ellis felt it was important for younger players to be connected with veterans and asked her senior players to share what qualities had helped them get to where they were. To her surprise, all of their answers came down to one thing: confidence and self-belief.

“It made me pause,” she explains. “There are a lot of players who are incredibly technically proficient, are great athletes or have a really good understanding of the game. But they have to have that ‘X factor’, which I think is self-belief. If you’re into this, you have to know that there are going to be roadblocks, so you need the persistence to work through them coupled with the confidence that you can do it.”

Ellis came to believe that having a support mechanism in place is also critical, for both players and coaches. “It’s a hard journey to go alone. A lot of these athletes would not be where they are if they didn’t have some support around them.”

Unlike former USWNT head coach Tony DiCicco, Ellis has never coached men so she can’t compare it to coaching women. But she does have a perspective on one of his well-known quotes. In Catch Them Being Good: Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Coach Girls, DiCicco famously explained the difference between how male and female athletes would respond to a coaching statement like, “I’m concerned with your fitness.”

Boys would tend to externalize the comment, assuming it referred to other team members, DiCicco asserted, but girls would internalize it and believe it applied to them. “My experience is in dealing with elite athletes,” says Ellis. “I can’t speak to coaching men, but what I do know about women is that they are incredibly introspective. For female athletes, introspection and the push to be better the next time around is a very common theme.”

Part of that has to do with constantly having to prove themselves, Ellis contends, particularly in the arena of professional sports. While male athletes have clearly arrived as a staple of mainstream society, women are still pushing for acceptance. That struggle tends to keep female athletes more grounded and humbler, something the men’s game could learn from. “It’s good to have a reminder of the process and the journey it took to get to that point of being a major part of the culture,” she maintains.

Moving forward, Ellis sees several keys to achieving equity on the field and off, starting with more representation in administrative positions of the sport’s governing bodies. “We’ve got to have females, not in token positions or minor positions, but in major ones,” she says. “We need advocates for our sport who are pushing for its advancement.”

Quality media coverage is another critical factor. Particularly when calling women’s games, sportscasters have historically tended to focus on backstories rather than substance. Ellis praises Fox Sports commentator and former USWNT player Aly Wagner for her no-frills coverage. “She’s excellent at commenting on the strategies, tactics and athletic performances. It’s not about the backstory, it’s what’s happening then and there,” she says. “As much as everyone is so connected to social media and the internet, I think there’s a real responsibility on broadcasters and advertisers to portray our athletes and our sport as a sport, not as women playing a sport.”

Changing that perception requires broadcasters investing the same resources they do in men’s sports. Prior to the 2015 World Cup, representatives from Fox Sports announced their intent to spend more money on the event than they had on the Super Bowl. The tournament became the most-watched women’s sporting event in history with 753 million viewers tuning in for at least some portion of it.

“It’s no surprise that their ratings were the highest they’ve ever been because they were willing to take that risk and create that precedent, and it paid off,” says Ellis. “You’ve got to have people who have that vision to see, with more than 50% of the population, how powerful women can be in sport.”

Increasingly, the traditionally male international soccer audience is catching on. The  2017 UEFA Women’s Championship broke all previous viewing and attendance records and global audiences are gearing up for France. “I think it’s just reflective of where our sport has come,” says Ellis. “The level of quality of players and coaching staff and resources now is different than it was even five years ago. I would love to see that continue, and for soccer to become the showcase for women’s sports around the world. It’s such an amazing game.”